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Version: 3.10.0

Call Web Api

This file explains how to call a web api from the backend in your V3 project.


Edit your appsettings.json files for each environment to fill in the base url of the web api you want to call. Example:

"WebApiName": {
"baseAddress": "https://hostWebApi.domainWebApi/WebApiName/WebApi"

Create a new class YourRepositoryNameRepository.cs in the Repositories folder of the Infrastructure.Service project. Inherit this class from the WebApiRepository abstract class.

Here an example implementation:

  • The first method shows an example of a GET call with date type input parameters.
  • The second method shows an example POST call. Sometimes the input parameters are too complex for a GET. It is then necessary to use a POST.
  • The different Dtos must be created in the Domain.Dto project
    public class YourRepositoryNameRepository : WebApiRepository, IYourRepositoryNameRepository
public YourRepositoryNameRepository(HttpClient httpClient, IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<YourRepositoryNameRepository> logger)
: base(httpClient, logger)
this.BaseAddress = configuration.GetSection("WebApiName")["baseAddress"];

public async Task<List<YourOutputNameDto>> GetAsync(string name, DateTime beginDate, DateTime endDate)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) && beginDate != default(DateTime) && endDate != default(DateTime))
string sBeginDate = beginDate.Date.ToString(FormatDate);
string sEndDate = endDate.Date.ToString(FormatDate);

string queryParam = $"byParams?name={name}&beginDate={sBeginDate}&endDate={sEndDate}";
string url = this.BaseAddress + queryParam;

return (await this.GetAsync<List<YourOutputNameDto>>(url)).Result;

return null;

public async Task<List<YourOutputNameDto>> GetAsync(string name, List<YourInputNameDto> inputs)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) && inputs?.Any() == true)
string queryParam = $"byParams?name={name}";
string url = this.BaseAddress + queryParam;

return (await this.PostAsync<List<YourOutputNameDto>, List<YourInputNameDto>>(url, inputs)).Result;

return null;

Generate the corresponding interface, IYourRepositoryNameRepository

public interface IYourRepositoryNameRepository
Task<List<YourOutputNameDto>> GetAsync(string name, DateTime beginDate, DateTime endDate);
Task<List<YourOutputNameDto>> GetAsync(string name, List<YourInputNameDto> inputs);

and add it in Domain project, RepoContract folder.

In the Crosscutting.Ioc.IocContainer class, modify the ConfigureInfrastructureServiceContainer method by adding:

collection.AddTransient<IYourRepositoryNameRepository, YourRepositoryNameRepository>();

Add the repository in the constructor of a service so that it is injected and use it in a method

private readonly IYourRepositoryNameRepository yourRepositoryNameRepository;

public YourServiceNameAppService(IYourRepositoryNameRepository yourRepositoryNameRepository)
this.yourRepositoryNameRepository = yourRepositoryNameRepository;

async Task GetAsync()
string name = "random";
DateTime beginDate = DateTime.Today;
DateTime endDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(20);

List<YourOutputNameDto> dtos = await this.yourRepositoryNameRepository.GetAsync(name, beginDate, endDate);

Bearer Token

Since version 3.7, you can pass a token to your requests. To do this, you must set the useBearerToken input parameter to true and override the GetBearerTokenAsync() method.

You will find an example of implementation in class


and in class



Sometimes, when an error occurs when calling a WebApi, we need to try again. The framework >= 3.8 implements Retry functionality by default (The retry is only executed once). Retry is based on a method that checks the retry conditions. Below is the default code. If the conditions do not suit you, you can change them by override.

 protected virtual bool CheckConditionRetry(HttpResponseMessage response, bool useBearerToken)
return useBearerToken &&
(response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden ||
response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized ||
(int)response.StatusCode == 498); // Token expired/invalid